Product Review The contents of this page for Product Review is still under construction, but coming along well.
Below are items that we personally have used and are using on our equine. It may be a bitless bridle, fly spray, halters, glitter, saddles, boots, coats or many other types of tack as well as other types of equine products.
We also pack with our equine so look for product reviews on anything from camp tents to shovels. You may also read about a book or magazine subscription, horse shaped jewelry, mugs or anything else Equine we have reviewed!!
We at Marna's Menagerie appreciate the items sent for us to review. We believe that companies that send products to be tested and reviewed have a pride and confidence in their products.
My husband Deron and I ride our horses every morning. We ride for a couple of hours out on NW SD prairie. We are outdoors people so cold and snow do not keep us in, rain and high winds however do. We have three riding horses, one riding donkey that work in what we call a round robin. Two days on one day off; and we are working with five "comin' two years olds" that are/going to be in training soon.
The tack items we are reviewing will have/have had many miles put on them on some/somewhat hilly, steep in areas terrain. We care for our tack but we do not baby it.
If you have items you would like for us to review on our websites please contact
Scroll Down to read our reviews on products that have been sent to us for Review.
From DOWN UNDER SADDLE SUPPLY a Trailrider Comfort Pad with Saddle Bags
PRODUCT REVIEW The Superior Poley Australian Saddle from the Kimberly Series with riggings From Down Under Saddle Supply

First Impressions My first impression of the company was of fast service. Jan Bergin answered my emails quickly. If I had questions they were always addressed and not avoided.
When I faxed my Standard Donkey's trace outline and her measurements as well as my own (weight, height and pant size)one late afternoon, I was surprised to get an email from Jan that same evening. I was told that my saddle had been adjusted and would be sent out straight away. I was also told that if the saddle did not fit, they would take care of that too.
The saddle arrived a day earlier then expected...I would say that service is king at this company. The package was well packed and the saddle was well protected in bubble wrap from and "bumps or bruises" that may have incurred while shipping. Opening the box was an event much like a birthday gift, the smell of the leather and the beauty of the saddle as well as the extras in the package.
With the saddle came a catalog, a note from Mike and Jan Bergin, Consumer Terms of the Sale, pictures of how the saddle should fit the animal, contacts for/to the company and a DVD on "Discover the Aussie Difference". The DVD was informative and entertaining.
I was excited to try the saddle on and ride my donkey, Abby with it. I must say that I also received a saddle pad from Down Under (550L) with saddle bags sewn onto the pad (see upcoming review). It all fit well and looked divine!! When I mounted and sat down in the saddle on the donkey, it just all felt so right.
About the Product The Superior Poley Saddle I received has a 17" seat with a horn. The saddle is hand-stuffed for a self adjusting panel that conforms to your equine's back over time. The riders seat is very comfortable, with a special suspended seat system.
While lifting the saddle out of the box one of the first things my husband commented on was the extensively hand-engraved hardware, very nice detailing. The brass stirrups are both attractive and large enough, I believe, for winter boots. They attach to the saddle in a very safe matter and yet are easy to adjust.
Remember I said that they saddle is to be used on a Standard Sized Donkey? I was very pleased that the girth, sent with the saddle, worked out well for her. It fit correct is well made, with soft fleece near the animal. I really like the way the girth attaches to this aussie saddle with an addition ring for sliding adjustment (much like a western saddle would cinch, but with a buckle).
Overall, a very beautiful and comfortable saddle that seems to be well made with attention to details. To see more details on this saddle visit Down Under Saddle Supply's website, address above.
After 30 Days Use This will be a work in progress. I have much to say. I must tell you, after 30 days I would recommend this type Aussie Saddle to anyone. I would highly recommend this saddle to anyone with knee or back problems. This is a comfortable saddle that does not over work your knees and legs. You can ride further and have a better time in this new saddle then in a type with heavy, thick, wide fenders...and this saddle's fenders, correctly called leathers, are as safe and well built as any a person riding in any saddle would need. The stirrups that came with the saddle, Brass 4 Bar Stirrups STIR 328, at 5" wide, are wide enough for any boot my husband and I might ride in, heavy enough to be safe, and the polished brass is beautiful. Adjusting the stirrups is an easy task, unlike some saddles I have worked with. Correctly adjusted stirrups equals a safer ride, so for me, this is an important feature.
My saddle was custom fit for my Standard Sized Donkey's back. It fit when we took it out of the box and we have never had reason to believe that our donkey was anything but comfortable wearing this saddle. Donkeys are not always easy to fit so this makes a donkey owner very happy.
Deron's Notes
On Going Notes
I have used this saddle for over two years now. I am very pleased with the quality leather and how it is not wearing or scaring with use. I store this saddle on a fold out saddle stand in our home. This is one nicely made and comfortable saddle for both my animal and I. Yes. I would love to have more of these saddles for our other horses. I highly recommend this saddle.
PRODUCT REVIEW A Bitless Bridle Headstall-Beta in Black from The Bitless Bridle by Dr.Robert Cook

First Impressions Carole Iverson, the Company President, could not have been any nicer or more helpful. Each of my emails were answered quickly and all my questions were addressed.
When the Bridle arrived I was impressed with the quality of the product. I must say we had a few days of rain and then we had some other things that had to be done, before riding, and I felt like a kid at Christmas with a new toy without batteries waiting to try this beautiful item on my Standard Size Donkey.
About the Product When I received the beta bitless bridle I was all smiles. The bridle came well packed in tissue paper with an invoice and a user's manual. The manual is very informative and covers Application, The Aids, Harnessing and Fitting, Converting to a Halter, Indications For Use and Maintenance as well as The Bitless Bridle "No-Risk" Satisfaction Guarantee. The User's Guide has helpful photos so that anyone could use this product correctly.
I am confident that the average rider could use this product without the user's guide, I would however encourage everyone to read the manual before putting this headstall on your equine. There is more to this product then what meets the average rider's eye, you will be delighted to read about what more this product can do and why it work so well on your equine.
If you did not read that this headstall was made of synthetic materials you would be hard pressed to know. It looks like and almost feels like a good grade leather (and I am a leather crafter). The hardware is quality stainless.
I had mailed my equine's measurements to The Bitless Bridle Co. When the headstall arrived it needed very little adjusting to fit my donkey. Not only was it easy to adjust, it looks nice when on the animal. The adjustments that I did make on the bitless bridle were easy to do.
I found when riding while my donkey was wearing this nice headstall it did just what I was told it would do.
After 30 Days Use When I first read The Bitless Bridle's website I saw a quote from another customer that said "this thing is magic" I must say, I understand and agree with that quote now.
I have been asked many questions about how the Bitless Bridle fits, how it works, how it is built.... After answering to the best of my ability I always tell the person to go to The Bitless Bridle website because it is all covered there. I have found what they have written there to be nothing but the truth.
Further, they are so confident in the product they build and sell they give a 30 day, no questions asked (but they of course would like to know what the problem was) guarantee. How could you go wrong?
Personally, after 30 days use, I wish I owned a Bitless Bridle for every equine I own.
Deron's Notes
On Going Notes
I have used the/a Dr. Cook's Bitless Bridle on not only Abby, our Donkey, for not only riding but also for driving. I have also used it on a couple of our horses. Recently I bought a horse that they rode in a Hackmore or Bossil. I road her for the first time in a Dr. Cook's Bitless Bridle and it all went very well. Everyone wants a safe ride, everyone wants to feel secure in the saddle of a new horse. I have to say that the horse took to the new Bitless Bridle like a "duck to water".
I also wanted to add that the Dr. Cook's Bitless Bridle had enough adjustability to it for sizing that it fit my large Quarter Horses face very well. The holes were well formed from top to bottom. I like the easy to use buckles. When working with a new horse and sizing we all like for the products we are using to be easy and fast to set up for sizing.
photo coming soon First Impressions Sharon, owner of Arete Saddlery, is a real sweety, she is kind and curtious. One thing I noticed on her site is that she handles items for larger riders. She also has links to other sites that carry equine items for large sized riders.
When I emailed Sharon about her products she got back with me straight away. When I ordered she verified my colors. I had ordered "blue" stirrups and she emailed me to make sure I got the blue I wanted. They carry two blues, true blue and powder blue as well as several other colors. She also made sure I received the Half Chaps I wanted correctly too. (see product testing write up below at a later time)
About the Product The Safety Endurance Stirrups are really well made. They have a nice foot platform that is covered well with treaded rubber. I ordered the color blue and the painting on them is high quality.
I noticed that the stirrups are heavy enough to know you have a nice product but not so heavy you wonder if they are too heavy.
The stirrups will first be used on a Western Saddle. They were easy to put onto the fender and look nice when on. The foot platform is wide and deep, mounting was easy with these stirrups.
After 30 Days Use
Deron's Notes
On Going Notes
photo coming soon
First Impressions My first impressions came in Jan. 2007 when my husband Deron and I moved to NW SD. I subscribe to many horse magazines. I enjoy reading not only about what is going on in my own discipline, but what others are doing with their equine. I also enjoy reading about types of training and riding I may never do, such as Endurance Riding, Jumping Competition, Dressage, The Show Ring and more. So when I see a "new to me" Horse Magazine I am interested. Most of the horse magazines I subscribe to I read cover to cover including the ads. I save my horse magazines (much to my husband's dismay) and I really do refer back to them. So finding a new magazine that covers the area I now live in and more was a treat.
About the Product I picked up my first copy of Today's Horse at a local Farm Store in Sturgis, SD. At that time it was a pretty thin publication. As the months went by Today's Horse seemed to fill out a bit more.
It takes a lot of advertisements to publish a magazine and I have noticed more and more businesses and SD as well as other area breeders, trainers and such have started advertising more so more articles could also be published.
I met the publisher's of Today's Horse twice. Once at the Stock Show in Rapid City, SD at their very busy booth and I stopped by their office once. more to come
After 30 Days Use This product, because of it is a publication, will be reviewed a bit differently. The 30 day use area will not be filled out. I do now have a subscription coming to my home.
Deron's Notes
On Going Notes
PRODUCT REVIEW Trailrider Comfort Pad with Saddle Bag PAD 550L From Down Under Saddle Supply photo coming soon (for now please see above, under Aussie Saddle from Down Under)
First Impressions Quality. My first impression was what a nicely made item I had just pulled out of the box.
My saddle pad in green, a forest green with black trim. The pad is "rich" looking and the saddle bags are of good size.
One of the first things I noticed was the nice tabs with ties that attach to the saddle so that the saddle pad with not "ride around" while a person rides their horse around. The tabs are made of leather and are a good size but not over sized. The tabs are well sewn to the saddle pad for long life. Leather strips for tying long enough to tie however the rider choices to tie the pad to the saddle. I use a square knot, but I know others that want a bow.
The pad pure wool cover over foam padding for the comfort of the equine. It is 28" x 36" and has suede leather war patches on each side.
Now all that said, here comes the icing. The Saddle Bags on this pad are large (9" x 7" x 3") and close with velcro. My husband, Deron, and I have always carried items with us on each ride we take and we recommend others do the same. These Bags are large enough for not only a small first aid kit, gloves, hat, extra leather pieces, but also a couple of sandwiches. We keep the essential loaded and ready in the bag.
Deron and I have backpacked with animals in packs for years. I have used packs on animals that close with buckles, zippers, and velcro. Using velcro for a normal trail ride is one of the best closures. Items will not fall out in normal riding if the velcro is lined up correctly and kept clean. Velcro is easy to open and close from a riding position for fast and easy access to your items.
As I said, Deron and I use saddle bags regularly. One thing about this type of saddle bag is that once the pad is on, the bags are on. This pad with bags, unlike another that I own with bags, has a large strip of velcro so that you do not need to worry about items falling out of your bags while normal moving your pad around the tack room or on and off the horse.
About the Product
After 30 Days Use
This nice Saddle Pad stays nice even when I should be cleaning it better between rides (shame on me!). I have found that using a horse brush to brush off the underhairs that stick to this pad works great without a lot of static.
I love the saddle bags. Deron and I often carry home fossils while riding on the prairie. The pad seems to be thick enough to pad the equine even when carrying home rocks. The bags are big enough to carry necessities and not too big to be in your way when mounting and dismounting.
Deron's Notes
On Going Notes
After two years of use, this pad is in great shape. No problems with the bags, or color or stress wear.

First Impressions
WOW! Deon and I each received a pair of Hilly's Handspun Wool Socks as a gift. Hilly is a personal friend of mine. We were so tickled with the soft feel and warmth of these socks! (The photo is of the sock machine that Hilly uses to make these socks.)
I must admit, as a kid, I only remember wool being ITCHY, these socks are far from itchy, they are so soft!
The socks Hilly sells are knit on a 100 year old hand crank circular sock knitting machine and she also makes socks with 100% merino wool yarn, the softest, finest yarn there is.
I am the one that ask Hilly if I could write this up and get her name out to other rider's that want to keep their toes warm while riding.
About the Product
Hilly raises the sheep/wool that these socks are from. She is a loving owner that spoils her herd of Shetland Sheep. They eat correct foods, are well taken care of and well loved.
Hilly spins her own wool. She makes many products with her fibers and sometimes dyes different colors other then just my favorite, naturals.
Seriously, if you feet are cold, you can put these sock on to warm your feet in a natural non harming way on your skin. They will keep your feet warm and are especially nice for outdoor activities.
I machine wash my Hilly Wool socks with my towels on cold or warm (never had a problem, Hilly may tell you to care for them differently) I hang them or lay them flat to dry.
After 30 Days Use
Still look new and are soft after several washings! Color holds, we now own several pairs, mostly natural colors. One pair (soooo soft, in blue) that the color is the same as the day we received them and they have been washed several times.
Deron's Notes
As an outdoors man I must say these are some of the warmest wool socks I have ever worn. Marna and I do not even wear sock liners with Hilly's Wool Socks.
I have worn many different winter socks as a sled dog racer. Remember that as a racer we are on the trail all day, many times without the opportunity to change socks. Hilly's Wool Socks are a sock I would HIGHLY recommend to other mushers or anyone who is trying to keep their feet warm.
On Going Notes
It has been over two years since we first wore our Hilly Wool Socks. they are in good shape and we wear them often, very often. I am soooo pleased with these socks and must admit, they are my favorite socks in the drawer!

About the Product
Horse Hair Jewelry (NECKLACE and or HATBAND) made by SC Equine Custom Horse Hair Jewelry & Keepsakes
First Impressions
When this product arrived I smiled. Not only is it a well made, make that very well Hand Crafted Item, but the packaging made it seem Diamonds had arrived. And if I had sent Stephanie Clegg my own Horse's Hair, like many of you, this product would be even more Precious than Diamonds!
Many times, horse hair products are "itchy and scratchy", they look worn and torn from the start, and they are very stiff. Stephanie's product was hand crafted so that it is not only beautiful to look at, it is soft and supple with no short hairs that stick out to make a person "itchy" wearing them. As I said before: VERY NICELY HAND CRAFTED.
Not only that, but the Clasp is of superior quality. The one I received is obviously Sterling Silver and made well. You would not have to worry about a cheap clasp breaking and loosing your horse's hair.
In my Necklace, that could also be used for a Hat Band on a smaller hat, there is a Gold Cord that Highlights the Horse Hair and makes this Necklace really stand out, makes it "pop".
My first impression of this product was DELIGHT! Not only is it nice to look at, but the touch and feel are better than many others (same product that is) I have seen.
About the Product
The Necklace/Hat Band I received is a full 17 1/2" long, this size will fit around and look nice on most necks that ride horses. As I said the claps is high quality and opens and closes very easily. The colors of the horse hair are clean and a smooth, blended well, and mixed nicely with the gold cord that is front and center and remains so throughout the whole Necklace.
To me, not only a horse owner, but a horse owner that keeps her horses until the day they die, this Necklace is STUNNING! While not made with my own horses hair, it sure makes me think of all that I have Loved, Owned and Ridden in my lifetime. It also brings to mind the ones that have left earth after long lives on our own property.
It is a beautiful piece of Jewelry to wear to not only Horse Events, but a night on the town. Any Cowgirl will want one of these Necklaces, and Cowboys will want one to fit their Cowboy Hats.
After 30 Days Use
LOVELY LOVELY LOVEY. This piece is really a quality Hand Crafted Item. One that with care, will not only last a life time but look as nice as it did when it arrived in your mailbox.
Deron's Notes
Deron did not wear this particular product.
On Going Notes
Stephanie Clegg - SC Equine, offers not only Necklaces, but also Bracelets, earrings, key chains, Hat Bands and more. Their items are VERY REASONABLY PRICED FOR THE QUALITY OF THE PRODUCT! She can make these items with your own Horse Hair too.
I will highly recommend this shop for Horse Hair Jewelry or having Jewelry made from your own Horse Hair.
First Impressions
About the Product
After 30 Days Use
Deron's Notes
On Going Notes
First Impressions
About the Product
After 30 Days Use
Deron's Notes
On Going Notes
First Impressions
About the Product
After 30 Days Use
Deron's Notes
On Going Notes
-- The Does My Butt Look Big In The Saddle Team Updated Oct. 13, 2007